Trump is polling terribly among female voters, so at his latest rally in Pennsylvania, he attempted to turn the tide with a speech saying women are “more stressed, and depressed, and unhappy” than they were when he was last in charge.
“I love how he’s acknowledging that we’re stressed out as though he’s not the one stressing us out,” says Daily Show host Desi Lydic in the monologue above. “This is like Boeing being like, ‘Weird how people seem so freaked out about air travel these days.'”
Lydic goes on to play a clip of Trump addressing women directly, telling them he’ll be their “protector”.
“Er I’m actually meeting someone here, I have a boyfriend! Thank you so much though!” responds Lydic, before going on to play a final clip of Trump telling women they will “no longer be thinking about abortion” because it’s under States’ control.
“Yes the States, where women live,” says Lydic. “Remember that thing you could always depend on because it was legal everywhere? Well now it’s up for a vote every two years in every jurisdiction, forever! That feels better, right? No need to think, don’t think, just don’t think!”